This monday I will be done with finals! Then comes the horrible wretched reality THAT I NEED A JOB! While I am searching for a job I will proceed head on into working on my upcoming graphic novel "TITLE WITHELD"
And YOU, the lucky audience, will be getting week by week updates on this project! It's sure to be a blast! And possibly a failure. BUT A BLAST NONE-THE-LESS!
But enough of my depressing life! Lets focus on some of my depressing art!
I decided today I post a brief look at the process. Please note this image is not finished and probably will change. But today is Friday and that means post-day!
Like I said. Once a week you ungrateful bastards.
Step one! Line work.
I did this in roughly... 3-4 hours. I usually start with the head and work from there. I was trying to go for the very traditional (a.k.a. cilched) hollywood/pulp movie poster style. As you can see I tried to cram as many references as possible into the image (Note the martini has cherries)

Damn, Ms. Pac-Man is a sexy bitch.
NEXT I add the flat colors. This is one of the most difficult parts for me, simply because I find finding the right colors a tad difficult. Sometimes I go to saturated or not saturated enough. Often I get so befuddled I just give up and color everything pink.

"I don't tip, I don't believe in it" - Mr. Pink
A finally I make a top layer to add shadows. I did something different than I usually do and put the brush tool on low opacity so the individual strokes are visible. I did this to try an mimic the classic cinema poster hand painted style. Not quit sure if I succeeded, and may try again. I also colored the lines because I just think it adds more flair to the image. Black lines tend to look stagnant or dead. Making the lines a darker color of the inner color give the image a bit more life.

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