Sunday, September 19, 2010


Hey everyone! Hope your weekend was super supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, I know mine was! At least what little I can recall...

"Oh, man. What a weekend"

Anyways, from what little I can recall, I promised YOU discerning viewers some art! And GOLLY JEE F--KING WILLIKERS I'M HERE TO GIVE YOU THAT ART.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I'm like the annoying Uncle that no matter how many times you drive a steak through his heart, he just keeps trying to crawl out from under the floorboards...

We miss you Uncle Herbert.

You just can't keep me down!

Friday, July 9, 2010


"An update?" you say? NO! YES, I say you little attention starved (expletive removed), I have returned to tell you once again, there is no new news.


Page progress is currently 8 out of 15. So I guess that's good. Preview should be up soon! Then you can all stop (expletive removed)ing about how I never update with anything good.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Pictured above: Quite Odd Industries main office

Wow, a Monday update? WACKY!
Anyways, this page is has been dead for a bit so I figured I post something about my current adventures in comic making...

So far I have 5 out of 10 preview pages done for PROJECT UNAMED, which will hopefully be completed and colored by July.

Wow... So informative.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I am now officially done with college, quit, done kaput. I now take my first awkward trembling steps into the world of entertainment. Armed with only my talent (HA!) , and prepared with no backup plans, degrees, or hope of recourse, I am bound to this journey till voyage end. Nothing but possibilities await me!


Friday, May 7, 2010


This monday I will be done with finals! Then comes the horrible wretched reality THAT I NEED A JOB! While I am searching for a job I will proceed head on into working on my upcoming graphic novel "TITLE WITHELD"

And YOU, the lucky audience, will be getting week by week updates on this project! It's sure to be a blast! And possibly a failure. BUT A BLAST NONE-THE-LESS!

But enough of my depressing life! Lets focus on some of my depressing art!

I decided today I post a brief look at the process. Please note this image is not finished and probably will change. But today is Friday and that means post-day!

Like I said. Once a week you ungrateful bastards.


Sunday, May 2, 2010


My "illustrations" portfolio is now up! Rejoice!

Soon, there will be a demo reel, as well as some figure drawings, observational stuff, and a variety of different pieces of art. But for now just enjoy the totally professional looking "Illustrations" page!


Also, please note, that we are willing to do this for you! If you want a website like ours with features like ours, we'd be more than happy to set you up with a reasonable fee.

Friday, April 30, 2010


This blog post is just to let everyone know there will be no new blog post this week.


Um, enjoy this video.

Friday, April 23, 2010


So, diving into the very first page of my UNAMED story I realized: I haven't drawn an animal in ages. Mainly because most of what I've been working on doesn't involve animals, so I haven't really had the need. So while my understanding of the human anatomy had been improving...

Who said I couldn't do porn?

My understanding of animal anatomy hadn't been. So being the amazingly boring person I am, I decided to attack this threat head on. So without any entertaining introduction, lets just jump in shall we?

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Okay so for like the zero people who read this blog I figure its time I get super hardcore about what I'm going to start doing.

This is my production blog. A blog dedicated to the detailing of my surely to fail endeavors into that most pathetic of jobs: Entertainment.

Comics, animation, film, you name it I hope to accomplish it.

So, once a week, EVERY week, I shall be posting on this blog, with updates fit for a king. Assuming that king has very low standards. He's probably an Ethiopian king. Do they even have a king? Why do I care, I'm is a American.

This week I'm going to finish the site. I have to get the gallery, my demo reel, and everything else figured out. Luckily we here at Quite Odd don't know the words "give up"

We are, however, very familiar with the words "Procrastinate". But I think Granny Essy is going to help us with that. Help keep us motivated.

Isn't that right Granny Essy?

Granny Essy means business.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Have you ever wondered what's its like to just grab steering wheel of your vehicle, slam the gas pedal, and just drive screaming, balls in hand, straight into the nearest pregnant woman in your vicinity?


You have? Wow really? Your pretty sick, dude.

Well, your sick fetishes aside, I unfortunately got a first hand experience of this sensation.

See I was driving around, just a normal day. Just a guy, his stuffed Stitch-plushie, 6 pack of what I think was red bull (I don't read labels, for all I know it could have been dishwasher fluid) just driving for kicks. After I receiving my kicks in the rib cage by a bunch of bikers, I was out looking medical attention. However, I was so distracted by my internal trauma I must have missed the red light in my lane, because before I knew it, man, babies and kittens were flying everywhere!

Actual photo of my wreck

(Note: these are not the sounds my actual car made when crashing head first into a vehicle, but those were boring so I thought I'd spice it up)

I awoke. My senses returning, buried under orange glow of burning metal, strength building almost hulk-like, I heaved at the molten metal flaming above me. With a single thrust I sent the amorphous blob of metallic goo that was not so long ago my car screeching into the building next door, killing countless lives many of whom were probably children. But that wasn't important. What was important, was the kitten stranded in the car I crashed into.

As I surveyed my surroundings I saw the unfolding of the damage that had been wrought. Cars and people melting into one another from the intense flames. The ground giving way becoming ever so quickly a pit of tar. I had to move quickly to save that kitty! Great Greek Chosen Dogs, the pain was excruciating. With each step, I sunk lower and lower into the pit of damnation, not resting until I had that kitten in hand.

Finally I arrived, and with biceps rippling, I freed the door from the frame of the car. Grabbing the kitten I noticed that the woman driving the car was still alive. "This is my only chance" I said!

I grabbed the woman, tore her in half and used both halves as sort of protective stockings on my feet. This made traversing the molten sludge much easier.

You may think this is where the story ends but sadly the epic tale has just begun. With every step towards what I thought would surely be safe land, I realized that there was no hope. The devastation was continuing, onward, always moving. But I couldn't quit! The kitten's life depended upon me! So I continued, bearing the pain as any many with a kitten should.

Soon I began to hunger, and having just eaten the cat five minutes ago, this proved to not be an idealistic situation. I probably should have rationed the pieces of the kitten as opposed to just snarfing it down in one bite, but hindsight 20/20.

Eventually rescue helicopters arrived, and pulled me from the tar. Oh man I was so hungry, and then I blacked out.

When I awoke, must had eaten the crew, because I kept finding bits and pieces of what I think were helmets, but I'm not sure.

Eventually I returned home (luckily I must have eaten the crew at the right time, because I crashed into the living room) and so now I am alright.

But I think the moral of this story kids is very simple.

If your going to be an idiot and drive straight into traffic, at least catch it on tape. That way youtube can enjoy your stupidity as well. (Note: If you could somehow set your car on fire BEFOREHAND, that'd be awesome)

Monday, April 12, 2010


My experience at the Sarah Vowell Lecture was one I shall never forget. Mainly because I am forever entranced by the sheer magic tenacity that is bacon covered crabs.

You see the evening started mundane enough, listening to the sounds of my head as I nervously slam it on the window like that one guy in Jacob's Ladder. A totally bacon-less evening. As the blood formed appealing shapes of butterflies I began to realize that maybe the medication I was on wasn't top notch. But I bought it from Canada and that's to be expected. I would say that I suspect it is made from waffles, but I don't want to offend my Canadian brothers.

But then I heard that Sarah Vowell would be lecturing for free at my college campus. At first it sounded like a stupid thing, but then I realized they said "free" and me being broke, sad, desperate, and lonely, thought "Hey, free means no money!". While normally lectures hold all the appeal of rotted lemon, going to a free lecture is obviously less expensive than my normal weeknight ritual. (A tub of vodka and Tequila, a hooker soaking said tub, and a box of matches. Man those hookers never see it coming)

As I arrived, burnt hooker corpse at hand, I accidentally managed to run into Sarah Vowell. You know I've never been that close to a celebrity before. I mean sure, Sarah Vowell is about as much of a celebrity in the sense that at least one other person I know knows of her existence, but still, she's far more known than I'll ever be, particularly among well educated types. And while I didn't necessarily run into her so much as I just happened to be in the wrong area and her assistant corrected, I felt a connection that every creepy weirdo has felt when even within a 500 foot radius of famounessity (the measurement of fame).

So anyways, the lecture began and it was good and all, she said some clever things about pilgrims and such, but the fun only just began. Right after the lecture, the crowd all mushed like sheep to the after-lecture book signing. They call it that, but it really should have just been called "Free Lunch" and boy was it awesome!

Now this entire evening would have simply been a "celebrity" sighting and free food type of blog post. But no. The most magical and wonderful thing to ever happen in my life was just about to occur. For while I was waiting in line between to incredibly obese people, it was there I was blessed with meeting the most heavenly thing on earth.

Bacon. Covered. Crabmeat.

I'll repeat it for those who may have missed it the first time


Once more with even MOAR unneeded punctuation.

B.A#O!N, C'O)V$E@R.E/D C?R%A&"B}M[E\A*T!!!!!1!!ONE

My friends there is a God. And he created Bacon Covered Crabmeat.

You know this post probably should have just been called Bacon Covered Crabmeat... But I don't think anyone would have read this then.

Not that anyone is reading it now.

If you wish to learn more about Sarah Vowell please check out her website:,191,151190-253203,00.html

And once more:

Behold the second coming.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Hey, all you people out there living life! This text-based info dex is coming at you live from a cafe shop somewhere deep in the south atlantic bayou in the northern region of east russia. BOYEEE!

So as you all know ('you all' being me) I recently became part of a convention magazine, BLNKEY'S ZINE!

The magazine has been through somewhat of a hiatus, but we're cooking up this baby just in time for this years biggest conventions!

Blinkey's is a independent art/comic focused magazine, filled with previews of upcoming independent releases, interviews with big (or small) name people, and all sorts of stuff that just oozes interesting.

This here is a call to all you in the internet there, are you an independent artist, or know someone who is? Want to recommend an artist for an interview? Just email us (for the time being) at:
or on myspace at

Quite Odd is currently building the home site, which shall be updated here.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


We just got the site finished. Some pages remain unloaded, simply because we're still working on them.
But hey, this site costs money, and money is time, so when you get change after a purchase YOU ARE TIME TRAVELING! WOAH!

So yeah, head on over to and prepare for some awesomeness coming at you from the corner of "WOAH" and "HOLY COW" avenue.

Someone kill me.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Smell that?

THAT my friends, is the smell of progress! Big fat stanky progress! is soon to be crushing your soul!
Until then...