Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I'm like the annoying Uncle that no matter how many times you drive a steak through his heart, he just keeps trying to crawl out from under the floorboards...

We miss you Uncle Herbert.

You just can't keep me down!

Long time no see, eh buddy?
I've been working away on my grande-masterpiece Dirt! A Graphic Fairy-Tale Novel Thing... With no dialogue.

After being involved in so many off and on again projects, first with myself then with other people, I finally just had to take a step back and think what stories I wanted to tell, and just tell them already. Stop putting them off until I was "ready" or "skilled"
or "could actually draw a stick figure properly", and just do them! JUST DO IT.

Holy crap... "Just do it". That's a great slogan! I can't believe nobody thought of that before! I gotta trademark that!

Oh man, I'm such a genius!

The next step was deciding which story to work on.
While I am a massive fan of cleverly written dialogue, I am just as much a fan of visuals.
And while I do intend to write for films and stories that are heavily focused on dialogue, I thought it would be great to center my first story solely on visuals.

Yeah. I don't know what I was thinking either.

Well either way, it should promise to be a truly rewarding experience that will hopefully capture the hearts and minds of anyone who's interested. That, or it will be a burning plane wreck. But hey, at least you get nifty fireworks display out of it!

"I swear, I don't know what happened. I was working on my comic, then just out of nowhere-"

Now I know that in the past I haven't always been reliable with the whole "I'm so going to totally update this you guyz, honest!" thing, but that's changing.

So here it is, my promise to YOU. Yes YOU! The unfortunate viewer reading this right now!
This is me putting my foot down here... right here. You can't see it, but it's a pretty impressive moment right now.

I promise YOU to update this site with news once a week MINIMUM!
With what? I don't know exactly. Possibly wonderfully in depth articles about my views on comics and films, possibly interviews with skilled art veterans, or maybe just a picture of my big toe.

So, this is me, ready to start earning your views.

Lets us begin...
Next week...

Yes, preview images are going up next week.

1 comment:

  1. Just going to say, its spelled "stake"
    not steak. Unless you plan on shoving meat through someone. Please don't take that wrong. The imagessssss

    Also, you should see Art & Copy on Netflix. Its very good, like Helvetica.
