Okay so for like the zero people who read this blog I figure its time I get super hardcore about what I'm going to start doing.
This is my production blog. A blog dedicated to the detailing of my surely to fail endeavors into that most pathetic of jobs: Entertainment.
Comics, animation, film, you name it I hope to accomplish it.
So, once a week, EVERY week, I shall be posting on this blog, with updates fit for a king. Assuming that king has very low standards. He's probably an Ethiopian king. Do they even have a king? Why do I care, I'm is a American.
This week I'm going to finish the site. I have to get the gallery, my demo reel, and everything else figured out. Luckily we here at Quite Odd don't know the words "give up"
We are, however, very familiar with the words "Procrastinate". But I think Granny Essy is going to help us with that. Help keep us motivated.
Isn't that right Granny Essy?

Granny Essy means business.
So, whats the update?